Office Update
As many of you are aware, Governor Walz has issued guidance permitting broader access to routine health care. While we have been able to manage certain concerns via video visits, we know many have postponed follow-up care including preventative skin checks.
We have now opened our schedules to “in-office” routine medical visits that are difficult to transition to a virtual experience, such as skin checks and evaluation of concerning rashes or spots.
Our schedules, while open, will be limited in order to maintain safe distancing for our patients and maximize social distancing in our waiting room. When possible, we will encourage telemedicine for conditions that are amenable. Our Video Visits require no sign-in passwords or downloading of apps, which patients have found to simple and convenient.
We ask for your continued patience and understanding as we adjust to re-opening our practice. For several weeks, we have worked diligently to make sure we are providing an environment that is exceedingly safe for our patients and staff.
We will be asking patients who come into the office to help us in our efforts by:
- Rescheduling your appointment if you feel sick or have had recent exposure to a known individual with Covid-19.
- Wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth when you enter our waiting room and leaving it in place while in the public areas of our office.
- Having guests/drivers remain in the car while you are at your visit, unless you are a minor.
- Respecting social distancing while checking in and out of the reception desk.
- Using the provided hand sanitizer when you enter and exit our office.
At this time, we are not scheduling cosmetic appointments, but we soon expect to have more information and guidance form our national and state societies. Please sign up on our website or click the link below to be notified of when we are scheduling cosmetic visits.
We miss seeing you, but that does not diminish our passion and diligence to take exceptional care of you whether it is in the office or virtually. Please call us with any questions or concerns.
In good health